
Foot Disorders & High Arches

Granted, there were old standards like the first metatarsophalangeal fusion and Lapidus procedures but during my residency, new surgical procedures like the Austin and Scarf were coming down the pike for hallux valgus. There were also innovative new procedures (such as the Swanson total joint arthroplasty and Juvara basal osteotomy) that enthusiastic residents like myself quickly adapted. The risk factor research also found that older age and foot pain increased HV risk in women by 20% and 36%, respectively, and 20% and 81% in men. Overall, the study found that 20% of men and 41% of women (mean age 67±10.6 years) had HV.

There is also a condition called tailor’s bunion or bunionette. This type of bump differs from a bunion in terms of the location. A tailor’s bunion is found near the base of the little toe on the outside of the foot. What are the symptoms of bunions? Bunions may be hereditary, as they often run in families. This suggests that people may inherit a faulty foot shape. In addition, footwear that does not fit properly may cause bunions. Bunions are made worse by tight, poorly-fitting, or too-small shoes. Bunions may also happen due to inflammatory conditions such as arthritis. Who gets bunions?

The foot bunions are small, bony projections on the foot particularly at the joint by the base of your toes. This particular condition happens when the big toe is brushing on other toes and it forces that to go an opposite direction that veers away from the normal position of the foot. This abnormal position can enlarge the toe joint and the crowding can result to pain and then bony projections. T read more Injection therapy. Although rarely used in bunion treatment, injections of corticosteroids may be useful in treating the inflamed bursa (fluid-filled sac located in a joint) sometimes seen with bunions.hallux valgus surgery

Closure of the intermetatarsal (IM) angle should not be the primary reason to select a particular surgical procedure. Experience and the literature support the fact that a basilar osteotomy of the first metatarsal will only reduce the IM angle 3 to 4 degrees. In addition, it provides relative elongation of the metatarsal and increases the proximal articular set angle (PASA), creating a “tighter” joint with dorsal jamming on weightbearing. This may necessitate additional distal procedures to reduce these complications. It is also well known that base osteotomies commonly elevate the metatarsal even after periods of nonweightbearing.

The shape, size and arches of your feet are unique. Once your foot pain has resolved, custom orthotics for high heel shoes should be fitted for long term care. These customized, shoe inserts correct foot over-pronation and support the medial longitudinal arch. The high heel orthotics also have metatarsal pads that remove unwanted pressure to your second to fourth toes by lifting and supporting the transverse arch. Do you have trouble finding shoes that fit because the front of your foot has become too wide? Do you ever have pain in your big toe joint, or perhaps pain on the ball of your foot? You may have a bunion.

A bunion, known medically as ‘ hallux valgus ‘, is a deformity that develops in the big toe. It occurs when the joint at the base of the big toe – the metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint – begins to stick out at an angle. This in turn misaligns the other bones in the foot, which can be very painful. It remains unclear as to what exactly causes bunions, although it is believed wearing badly fitting shoes is widely to blame. Furthermore, it is suspected bunions may run in families and may also be more likely to affect people with certain health conditions (such as gout and arthritis).hallux valgus radiology